Creating a new brand for
trusted family community
and wellness spaces.

The Brief

Running 19 karate and kickboxing schools around Perth is no easy task! When it came time to amalgamate the schools under one unifying name and brand, Emplify was ready to kick it. The new name needed to be unique, memorable, and representative of their values.

After much research, discussion, and development, the name Emplify was invented. Emplify stands for more than just providing karate and fitness kickboxing classes; it aims to provide empowering experiences to people so they may achieve and make positive changes within themselves.

The Work

The renaming and rebranding were executed through a customized process, involving a combination of customer research and stakeholder engagement to provide a holistic brand snapshot.

The steps included:

The result was a cohesive and powerful brand that resonates with both current and prospective members. Our work didn’t stop at just the visual identity; we extended the brand through monthly social media management (both organic and paid), SEO, and SEM efforts. These ongoing initiatives ensure Emplify remains top of mind and easily discoverable, driving engagement and growth.

Our work with Emplify was more than just a project—it was a shared mission to amplify the empowering experiences they provide.