Work Life Balance

Clout's Commitments

Work Life Balance

Clout Marketing provides a clear and committed focus to work-life balance. COVID has caused many people to reassess priorities in their life and subsequently had a big impact on work-life balance. Clout achieves a commitment to work-life balance by targeting 3 key areas:

1. Flexibility

Clout offers a range of flexible working arrangements to help eliminate stress and accommodate the seemingly time-poor nature of society.

This flexibility spans short-notice errands, school pick-ups, attendance of appointments/events or to be available for that 4-hour window a plumber needs to be at your house. In addition, Clout offers flexibility with start and finish times, which is useful for early risers or late starters.

Work Life Balance Graphic Walking | Clout Marketing | Perth Marketing Agency |

2. Work stays at work

There has been a steady trend over the past decade of work spilling over into home life and after hours through the convenience of technology. Don’t Take Work Home.

Clout has clearly defined parameters when addressing and defining work hours. Unless there is an emergency, all internal and client communications are conducted during standard office hours, and holidays are dedicated down time.

3. Work from home

Clout encourages one day per week working from home, which can be scaled up as needed. Our team generates as much value working collaboratively face-to-face as we do working from home due to an established digital process and systems.

Work Life Balance Graphic Cat | Clout Marketing | Perth Marketing Agency |

A Shift In Focus

Since Clout’s inception in 2018, there has been an importance placed on work-life balance, therefore the challenges and impacts of 2020 were minimal. 

Unfortunately, the “Marketing and Communications” industry was recently identified by Seek as an industry that does not have a good work-life balance. 

Work Life Balance Graphic Seek | Clout Marketing | Perth Marketing Agency |

Do More

Does your company or brand have values that align with Clout Marketing’s commitments to work-life balance? We love to do business with people that have similar values, commitments and culture – so if you have similar corporate and personal values, please get in touch to see how we can work together. 

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